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Opportunities to Win an NJTESOL/NJBE Scholarship

Opportunities to Win an NJTESOL/NJBE Scholarship

Each year, NJTESOL/NJBE sponsors scholarships and awards to support the academic aspirations of our students and members,  This year, there are two scholarships in Higher Education:

1. The Dr. Jessy Reppy Memorial Scholarship is a new scholarship offering a $1500 scholarship for a student who is enrolled in a TESOL M.A. program.

2. The Higher Education Scholarship offering a $1500 scholarship for a student in ESL classes at 2 year or 4 year colleges/universities. Applicants can either be a traditional or a non-traditional student.

To access the scholarship applications, go to the NJTESOL/NJBE website: and go to Scholarship and Award Applications, and then go to the bottom of the page to click on the desired scholarship link. If you have any questions about the scholarships, please contact the Awards Committee representative at

Winners will be honored at the NJTESOL/NJBE Spring Conference Awards Reception, May 28th, 2014 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, New Brunswick at 5:00 PM.

