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Announcing the 2013 Summer Academy : July 1-3, 2013

Announcing the 2013 Summer Academy : July 1-3, 2013

We are pleased to announce the 2013 Summer Academy at The College of New Jersey, made possible by a grant from the US Department of Education.

The English as a Second Language (ESL) Summer Academy, held yearly from 2012-2016, features a series of summer workshops that address the needs of ESL teachers, content area teachers, and administrators who work with non-native speaker populations in K-12 and higher education contexts. The workshops cover classroom techniques, assessment, materials and content adaptation, language and linguistic concepts, administrative orientation, and other instructional concerns for ESL students. Our program for 2013 is detailed below:


2013 ESL Summer Academy

Monday, July 1st through Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013

Check in is open 1 hour prior to your workshop. Please arrive in good time to ensure a prompt start.

Location: Education Building Room 115F

Payment on site, in cash or check only.

Participants will receive credit for professional development hours.

Register by June 20th to ensure your seat. Space is limited.

Registration Coming Soon!


Workshop Details

Workshop #1 (Monday July 1st, 9 AM- 12 PM)

Cost: $15 not including lunch

Title to be Announced


Workshop #2: (Monday July 1st, 1 PM- 4PM)
Cost: $15 not including lunch

Conversations with, by and on behalf of English Language Learners

by John L. Balbi, Teachers College, Columbia University

Culture, placement and instructional design, and language acquisition as three interrelated areas that help to more fully understand our work with English Language learners. During this workshop, participants will learn how to provide students with the tools they will need to become more fully integrated into the educational community of their school, their community and beyond.

John L. Balbi holds a MA in TESOL (1975) and a M.Ed. in Administration and Supervision (1979) from Teachers College, Columbia University.  He has also acquired a School District’s Administrator Certification from the New York State Department of Education. He has been a dedicated educator for more than 40 years teaching and supervising in the field of English as a Second Language. In the past three years alone he mentored 36 teachers, writing a total of 175 formal observations. He was one of the first 12 English Language Learner Instructional Support Specialists in New York State to receive Level I QTEL (Quality Teaching for English Language Learners) certification (2005). He has also given a variety of workshops specializing in the QTEL conceptual framework emphasizing specific scaffolds as they support learning within a socio cultural environment.

He is a consistent presenter at the New York State TESOL conferences and has also presented at the national TESOL conference.  His presentations focus on applying theory to practice making content accessible to English language learners at all levels of proficiency.

*Registrants who participate in both Monday workshops will have lunch included in their entry fees.


Workshop #3 (Tuesday July 2nd, 9:30 AM- 4 PM)

Cost: $30 including lunch

Optimizing Learning Conditions in the ESL Classroom 

by Dr. ZhaoHong Han, Teachers College, Columbia University

Learning a second language is largely an unconscious process, and, as such, it is controlled by the learner, not by the teacher. However, teachers can provide conditions to facilitate learning, and can do so to the extent of maximizing learning opportunities. In this workshop, participants will learn both what those conditions are and how to create and optimize them.

Dr. ZhaoHong Han is Professor of Language and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, where she teaches graduate courses in Applied Linguistics, TESOL, and foreign language instruction. She currently directs the TESOL and Applied Linguistics Program. Dr. Han’s research interests lie broadly in second language learnability, teachability, and their interface. Her work on fossilization, corrective feedback, second language reading and vocabulary development, second language reading instruction, and second language input processing has appeared in a variety of journals and books. Dr. Han is the recipient of the 2003 International TESOL Heinle and Heinle Distinguished Research Award, and a repeated recipient of the Teachers College, Columbia University Outstanding Teacher Award.

Dr. Han has lived and taught in China, Italy, Norway, United Kingdom (Scotland, England), Japan, and Spain.


Workshop #4 (Wednesday July 3rd, 9:30 AM- 4 PM)

Cost: $30 including lunch

Bilingual Basics, Our Best Bet 

by Joan Wink

The purpose of this all-day inservice is to share the the basics of language acquisition and bilingual education: What do we know? How do we get another language? Who can do what, when? How do we do it?  And, why does it matter? These ideas will be shared with words, colorful images, and activities. Throughout the presentation, participants will be involved interactively with each other through reflective processes, which can also be adapted to their own unique classroom.

Joan Wink is professor emerita of California State University, Stanislaus. Throughout her career, she has focused on languages, literacy, and learning in pluralistic contexts. Now, partially retired she divides her time writing on the family ranch in South Dakota and teaching and consulting nationally. Her books and other resources are available at She is the author of Critical Pedagogy: Notes from the Real World, 4/eA Vision of Vygotsky with Le Putney, and Teaching Passionately: What’s Love Got To Do With It? with Dawn Wink, her daughter.
