Eduardo Bruno Rodrigues
Eduardo Bruno Rodrigues is from São Paulo, Brazil. He, just like many of the other students that attend the sessions in Mallorca, lives and teaches outside of the United States. Eduardo has taught English, Spanish and Portuguese for the past 12 years and attended all three sessions this past summer to take classes for his Masters of Education in Teaching English as a Second Language. The appeal of the program for Eduardo stemmed from the convenience of classes being over summer break and recommendations from teachers at the International School in São Paulo. The manageable workload, great networking opportunity and wonderful life experiences of Mallorca made the price of it all well worth it. Here is what Eduardo had to say about his time spent in Mallorca this summer…
“It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Mallorca positively changed my life. Up until I was in my late twenties, I had never had the chance to spend more than a week abroad, much less studying. The time I’ve spent there and the people I’ve met gave me a whole new dimension and perspective. It was my first time in Europe, first time studying abroad, first time interacting with many native (and non native as well) speakers of English all in one room….in a nutshell: a lot of firsts. Exciting ones. The place is breathtaking and with a little bit of organization you can probably get a pretty good balance of work and fun.
“I made great connections there, most I (do my absolutely best to) keep; I learned a whole lot of relevant content from amazing professors, and I spent times that I am absolutely sure I will never forget. The TCNJ global program in Mallorca has changed my life in the sense that it broadened my horizons in ways I didn’t quite think it could. First, the diversity found in the program, with people from various different backgrounds, was one of the most mind-opening and humbling aspects of it. Getting to spend a little over a month with such great people, sharing and learning was hugely rewarding. Moreover, the concepts, ideas, trends and methodologies of a curriculum that, to me, had a totally new perspective, amplified my view of the way I do things and how my ways as a teacher can be improved. Not to mention the balanced and smooth characteristics of the program, that is so well designed and allows a professional like me to conciliate their studies during their vacations, and have a deserved rest.
“Not only the time spent in class, but every single interaction in Mallorca, from a barbecue to a final project presentation, is a valuable lesson. The shift in perspective, the experience, and the cultural differences: everything contributes to a unique learning experience that goes beyond classroom instruction, and reaches individuals in a deep and holistic way. That is how I think the program has helped me advance – by providing me with tools that, by only staying in my country, I could never imagine to obtain.
“Most definitively, I believe that Mallorca left a mark on every single one of us. I’ve been in touch with people from the program and every single person that I met has had their significance and impact on me somehow. Some I know I might never see again and some I can talk to everyday, but none will ever be forgotten.”
– By Beth Dorrity
Michael Keogh
Michael Keogh is one of the few from TCNJ Mallorca’s crew that resides and teaches in the United States outside of his time in Mallorca. He grew up in Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania and currently works as an ESL coordinator in Pennington, New Jersey. He found out about the program from a colleague and attended Mallorca for the first time in Summer 2011. He studied there for the three sessions and will be continuing his studies this coming Summer 2012. He, like many others from the program, is working to receive his Masters of Education in Teaching English as a Second Language. Despite the expensive prices of the flight to and from the states, rent and the cost of living, the experience, and relative affordability of the tuition made it all worth it for Michael. Here are some words from him about his experience in Mallorca…
“In Mallorca, I returned to the classroom as a student for the first time in over a decade. I learned from my classmates as much as I learned from teachers. I learned from seasoned teachers and I learned from veteran students much younger than myself. I characterized it as “Teacher Summer Camp,” as it was a summer-only environment with friendships that I yearn to continue when classes resume next June.
The experience humbled me and reminded me not to judge others too quickly and also reinvigorated a desire to learn and achieve. I am lucky to have the opportunity to return for two or three more summers to learn and achieve more in the classroom. I’ll also strengthen those personal relationships which I know could easily evolve into professional relationships. The sad note is that there are people who graduated that I may never see again.”
– By Beth Dorrity