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Author Archives: Erica Johnson

ESL Summer Academy Pictures

A few TESL students participated in the ESL Summer Academy this past July. The 3-day workshop featured lectures from Dr. Ann Uhl Chamot, Dr. Diane Larsen-Freeman, and Dr. Keith Folse.

HIB Training for Certification Required

HIB Training for Certification Required

New NJ requirement for Certification;  HIB Training (Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying).  TCNJ has adopted HIB on-line training.  Please click here for information and instructions

TESL Alumna Presents at TESOL

TESL Alumna Presents at TESOL

TESL alumna, Natasha Agrawal, presented at International TESOL this past weekend. Agrawal, who currently teaches at Carroll Robbins Elementary School in Trenton, NJ, presented on the experiences of her Thai-Burmese students within New Jersey public school system.

“Refugees who come to the US from camps on the Thai-Burma border have experienced emotional and psychological trauma, which can impact their ability to learn. My presentation offered strategies for teachers to help refugee children in their process of learning English, and adjusting to a new environment.

“It is only because of Dr. Jean Wong’s constant support that I was able to send in my proposal and get accepted for TESOL.  I admire that she keeps in touch with, and encourages her students long after they have graduated! Xie xie, Dr. Wong!”

Agrawal currently partners with Professor Jean Wong to address her students needs through the Adopt-A-Student program. There, TESL students throughout the academic school year conduct a series of intensive tutoring sessions, giving much needed individualized instruction to the ESL students at Robbins School.

The Institute for English as a Second Language and American Studies

The School of Humanities and Social Sciences has created a unique opportunity for ESL Undergraduate and Graduate level students attending collegiate institutions in the United States. English immersion and trips to Philadelphia and New York are key parts to this one-of-a-kind program.
